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Reminder: K-Staters invited to participate in 9月. 1 .弗林特山pg电子试玩入口

Submitted by 传播与市场营销部


pg电子试玩入口教员, 工作人员, 学生 和 社区成员 are invited to join in multiple events for the 弗林特山pg电子试玩入口 9月4日. 1. 这次访问拉开了序幕 新总统倡议 focused on the people of Kansas 和 their communities. 

The 弗林特山pg电子试玩入口 will include a variety of events throughout the day to connect with the community 和 celebrate multiple partnerships in the area. 每个人都被邀请 9月11日的三大公共活动. 1:

•社区开放论坛,上午8:30-9:30.m.希尔顿花园酒店,pg电子试玩入口会议中心. President Richard Linton 和 K-State 学生 will host a dialogue about university 和 community connections 和 the student experience.

•流动食品分配服务项目,4便士.m., C-1停车场,切斯特E. 彼得斯娱乐中心. 通过H和sOnpg电子试玩入口, 社区成员, 学生, faculty 和 工作人员 can participate in a service project to address food insecurity in the community. All volunteer slots have been filled for this event.

•叫所有的猫,下午6点到7:45.m.K-State校友中心宴会厅. Interested 学生 和 their families can hear from current 学生 和 experts to learn about the K-State experience. 下午6点开始报名.m. 节目六点半开始.m. 注册事件

K-Staters also can join in other community events throughout the day. View a full schedule of activities for the Flint Hills visit

The community visits will help to shape K-State's new strategic plan to become a 下一代赠地大学. These regional community visits will serve as an important first step in how K-State engages Kansans through this planning process 和 how the university listens to communities throughout the state about the future of K-State. 
